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Handmade Gnnochi with Lobster and Cream Sauce 龍蝦芝士忌廉手製薯糰
Boil, peel and mash the potatoes, let them cool down to room temperature. Make a hole in the middle of the mashed potato, add eggs, salt,...
Handmade Ravioli with Crabmeat and Ricotta in Brown Butter Sauce 手工蟹肉意大利雲吞
Steam fresh caught crab for 10 minutes, then hand-shred crabmeat with care. Roll out fresh pasta sheets and cut it into ravioli shape by...
Braised Lamb Shank with Cheese Crown Toastie 紅酒炆羊膝伴皇冠芝多士
紅酒炆羊膝 羊膝沾上少許鹽及胡椒,煎香羊膝。 煎香洋蔥及甘荀,加入蒜頭、香葉、百厘香及迷迭香炒勻。 加回羊膝及炒好的材料,倒入牛湯、紅酒及蕃茄粒連汁拌勻。 大火滾起後加蓋,轉小火炆焗2小時。 以鹽及胡椒來調味便成。 如果湯汁比較稀,可以大火煮5分鐘來收汁或用生粉水來打芡,令...
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